There is a special place in my heart for camping and backpacking. My Eagle Scout husband is a master of being prepared, so getting ourselves out in the wilderness safely was always a breeze. Since my husband and I met, it’s been a special activity we’ve cherished together and many of our best memories together have been in the backcountry.
Then, along came our daughter and our lifestyle changed drastically. Camping is a whooole different ball game when you add a new baby in the mix.
Needless to say, I became hesitant to take our baby out to camp for the first time. It felt so overwhelming to me when I was already learning how to mother and care for a new child. I spent a lot of time worrying about how we were going to keep her entertained, how I would be able to help set up camp or even cook. I was especially concerned about if she would be warm enough at night and having the perfect sleep situation where she could easily breastfeed. It took me a lot of time to learn to breathe in and breathe out, and let our adventures take us wherever they would take us. Let's face it, we learn pretty quickly that plans can change at a drop of a hat with kids.
We eventually ripped the bandaid off and dove in… And we made it out alive! Since then, we have taken our daughter camping multiple times. There have been new logistics to consider with each stage of growth, but we somehow end up figuring it out and have fun. I guarantee you it is worth it to bring your babies camping and foster a love for nature early on. I’ll add, some of our best times were before our baby was mobile (our first time was between 4-5 months old).
There is no "one way" to navigate camping with babies, just like there is no "one way" to parent your children. You’ll learn what works for your family, and what doesn’t through trial and error. That said, I know how daunting it can be to plan that first trip. In future articles, I’ll share with you how my family navigated trips with a baby under one. I'll cover topics likes what to pack, how to dress baby for sleep, and some other common questions we are often asked here at the store. My hope is it can give you some ideas on things that you can incorporate for your family and to show you it’s absolutely possible.
Stay calm and camp on!
<3 Sharon
Article #1 - What Should I Pack For Baby?
Article #2 - How to Set Up Camp with Baby?
Article #3 - How to Sleep Safely?
Article #4 - How to Dress Baby?
Article #5 - What About Breastfeeding, Cloth Diapering and Baby Wearing?