Sustainable Holidays (Part 2)
Crisis Free Christmas: A 6 Week Series
Welcome to Week 5 Part 2: Sustainable Holidays by Sharon
These are some of my personal favorites to give you a few ideas!
Plan Toys from Colorado Baby
Made sustainably out of wood and eco friendly dyes. Great for adults too!
- A loaf of fresh baked bread or granola from Main Street Bagels
- A charcuterie board from The Hog and Hen
- Skip Starbucks and opt for coffee beans from Kiln Coffee Bar, Jitterz Coffee, Mountain Air Roasters, Copeka Coffee or Bestslope Coffee (to name a few of my favorites). There are also a lot of other great coffee shops here that roast their own beans, keep sustainability in mind, or use Colorado roasters. Just ask at your favorite place!
- Fill a basket with goods from Fisher’s Market
For example; pasta, pasta sauce, meat, fixings for a salad or a dessert so they can make a meal with it all. They offer a wide array of Colorado products including pasture raised beef from the Western Slope!
- A Downtown Grand Junction gift card
The majority of Downtown businesses accept these so they are a super versatile gift. You can purchase them online and have them mailed OR come say hello to us in Colorado Baby and purchase them here.
- A gift card to Bin 707 or any of their affiliated restaurants (I’m a HUGE TacoParty fan)
- Decorated cookies or a box of sweet treats from Sweet Kiwi Bakery
Their cookies taste great and are beautiful works of art!
- A gift card to Out West Books
They have a little something for everyone.
- Olive Oils or Balsamic Vinegars from Bella Balsamic
- Soaps and body care from Three Leaves Co.
- A unique plant from It’s a Plant Thang
- Skin care from Vital Flora Herbs
Curated locally by a certified herbalist. She also makes wonderful herbal tea blends.
- Organic cultured butter from Ghost Rock Farm for the foodie in your life
- Spice Blends from The Happy Eater Spice Blends
Their Ranch Blend is a staple in our kitchen. We love to make dressing with it or toss it with carrots or potatoes and roast ‘em! You can also find them stocked at The Hog and Hen!
I hope you find this local list inspiring!
PS - Just a reminder, don't miss this list of ideas for White Elephant (or Secret Santa!) gifts I've put together just for you!