Colorado Baby and crew welcomed fall to the valley with a fun-filled day down at Studt's - were you there?! Send us your pictures! If your Instagram isn't private, tag us in your photos from that day and we'll feature our favorite pictures on our page and you could win a little gift from all of us!

It was my first official Colorado Baby Meet-up and I'm so thrilled we went. I'd had no clue how great Studt's was - or that I could pick my own spaghetti squash and acorn squash from amongst the pumpkins! (What, am I the only one who thinks that's SO COOL?!)
Before Quinn and I moved to Colorado, we lived on a homestead complete with laying hens, meat birds, and myriad goats, sheep, and pigs. My heart skipped a beat when I noticed a full-on petting zoo area at Studt's, but my toddler wasn't exactly thrilled (she clearly has no memory of her mom milking a goat twice a day while she was situated in a carrier on my back...). Turns out I'd forgotten to put her amber teething necklace around her neck that morning, which might explain this sassy attitude:

The week of the patch playdate was International Babywearing Week, and look who showed up! Boba (of The Boba Wrap) sent one of their reps to see just how we do it here in the Valley and she was not disappointed.

It's always cool when the whole family can get out on a weekday and take part in the festivities. A dozen dads and grandpas came with us and over 150 people in total were there for the meet-up!

My almost 2 year old shrieked when she saw the slide but quickly changed her mind after I slid down with her and she realized just how high up it was.

The inflatable "pumpkin jumps" were a huge hit with the kids... and parents, too.
Meet-up participants were encouraged to take part in the Studt's scavenger hunt, which involved trying on a Boba carrier, snapping photos with various pumpkins and animals, and making new friends. All who completed the scavenger hunt were entered to win Colorado Baby prizes like Boba carriers, wraps, Green Toys tractors, Lifefactory bottles, and a mini Boba.

Come to our next event! One of the myriad reasons I hounded Megan for this job was the sense of community that's found at Colorado Baby, and one of my goals here as the New Erin is to get the word out about the fun activities the Colorado Baby crew have planned for the coming months. November 15th we're heading to KidzPlex as a group and in December we'll be at the Bookcliff Activity Center. One Wednesday every month we get together and Wednesdays are my day off so I'd love to see all of you there!

- Emily