Cloth Diaper Myth or Truth #2:

Cloth Diaper Myth or Truth #2:

Cloth Diaper Myth or Truth #2:

Cloth Diapers Leak Less Than Disposables

by Megan

I’m super excited to let you know that this is a TRUTH, especially in relation to poop!  Perhaps you’ve heard of the dreaded “poop-splosions” (I gag as I write that).  Well, they are a real thing...with disposables!  However, they are far, far less common with cloth diapers. In fact, I can count on two hands how many times poop has “exploded” from a cloth diaper between all seven of my kids!  But with disposable diapers, it can be a regular occurrence.

Why So Many Poop-splosions with Disposables?

Don’t forget, disposables are made for single use.  They are made to be used for a few hours and then tossed.  The elastic that is in them is a very fine, flimsy elastic that is not going to do much when your baby lets loose. If your baby is in a seat (car seat, swing, carrier) or any sort of position where there is pressure against their backside, you have a high probability of poop exploding out of the diaper. Babies, especially breastfed babies, poop with a LOT of power.

In contrast, cloth diapers are made with high quality components that hold up over many, many uses. They are designed to have a more adjustable fit and use stronger elastic in the legs and waist, making them far superior at containing messes.

Yeah, but cloth diapers leak more in regards to pee, right?

No, not necessarily.  If you have leaking issues, you simply need to troubleshoot why it’s happening. With disposable diapers, I have run into leaking issues when the diaper was too small, too big, or the output of pee was too much. With cloth diapers, those are also reasons you may have leaks. Here’s a checklist of common causes of leaky cloth diapers:

  • Improper fit (you may need to size the diaper up or down)
  • Putting the diaper on too loose (this is a common cause I see when a family transitions from disposables to cloth diapers)
  • Not securing the diaper on properly (e.g. leg elastics should be in the “panty line” crease of the thigh).  
  • Not having enough absorbency in the diaper (can especially be of concern at nighttime or in older toddlers).
  • Not changing frequently enough (you should change a cloth diaper about every 2-3 hours. Nighttime is the exception).

If at any point on your cloth diapering journey you experience leaks (I guarantee you will, there is a learning curve to everything!) then please feel free to reach out to me!  I’d be more than happy to give you one-on-one help to troubleshoot what may be the cause of leaking.  Grab a free 15 minute session with me here.

Happy dry butts,


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